You helped key panel take second look at protecting the gray wolf!

Now urge Fish & Game Commissioners to finish the job!
Your letters and calls helped shift the debate over designating wolves as endangered in California!
As we alerted you in March, California's Dept. of Fish and Wildlife (DFW) has been considering not listing the gray wolf as endangered. The fact that one lone wolf had made the journey into the state from across the Oregon border in late 2011 — and could return and others could come at any time — did not persuade the DFW that such a designation was warranted.
But Forests Forever supporters and other concerned citizens told the Commission we want DFW to list the gray wolf as endangered under the California Endangered Species Act (CESA). Thankfully, the agency chose to pause and reconsider.
The DFW is holding off making a decision until at least Wed., June 4.
Please contact the state's Fish and Game Commissioners again to let them know where you stand!
If ever wolves do re-establish themselves in the state, without CESA protection they will be at the mercy of their human enemies with guns and snares.
Meantime, on the national level the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service has stopped considering new public comments on its year-old proposal to remove the gray wolf from the federal list of threatened and endangered species. Nearly a million and a half comments poured in to the agency on the topic, but so far no decision has been announced.
The possibility of federal delisting makes putting Canis lupus on the California endangered species list all the more imperative.
For an excellent discussion of the federal gray wolf delisting proposal, read Lance Richardson's February 2014 article in Slate: "Wolves May Be Losing a Nasty Political Battle."
For all public documents relating to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service's proposed gray wolf delisting, visit
View How Wolves Change Rivers, narrated by George Monbiot, at Films for Action.
Read Matt Kettmann's January 2012 story, "The Terrifying Wonder of Journey, California's Lone Wolf," in TIME.
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